I’ve successfully added some BBC radio stations using the TuneIn URL. Is there any way of viewing the radio bitrate from within Roon, as it’s not clear what rate TuneIn is using. I guess m question also relates to the wider issue of seeing radio bitrates in Roon
Many thanks
This doesn’t answer your question, but I have the URL’s for the BBC’s 320kbps streams for Radio 1, 2, 3 & 4 if you’re interested:
Thanks very much David
I’d found those (Radio 3, specifically), but then can’t work out if the TuneIn url https://tunein.com/radio/BBC-Radio-3-913-s24941/ is the same bitate, or a lower one. I hoped Roon might report on this…
I think that the Tunein iOS app allows me to choose a bitrate, but I’m getting the relevant url from the web browser which doesn’t …
What’s the link for that Audiophile Jazz station you have listed in your ScreenShot?
As far as I’m aware there isn’t a higher bitrate World Service stream - mine is 128 too. And it never occurred to me to check the Signal Path, so thanks for that.
I found it on TuneIn. Just type Audiophile Jazz. There’s also an Audiophile Classical, Audiophile Baroque, an Audiophile Rock and Blues and some more. Thanks to @RBM for sharing these
Don’t forget this thread:
Thanks @Rugby, hadn’t come across this thread yet
Thanks @Grump - the signal path was the solution…
Good stuff!
I’m not able to Add stations using any of the link examples above -
What am I missing?
If you are referring to the BBC 320k links, they are only available to UK listeners. The Tunein link should work for you.
However, the generally available BBC Radio streams are already all in the main database.