Radio Paradise stops playing after 5-10 minutes on Linn Klimax DSM/2

In the last several weeks,the internet station Radio Paradise stops playing after about five minutes. It occurs with any of the 4 FLAC streams using meta-data. I’m running my Roon core on a Mac mini 2023 M2 Pro 16GB 2TB. The problem only happens through Roon. When I use the Linn app to control the DSM, Radio Paradise plays without any problems.

Which radio paradise channel are you referring to? There are several of them.

All Of them.

I have been listening to the main channel for over 20 minutes with no issues.
It may be related to your particular chain of devices.

Can you fill out the full support information so the @support team has as much info as you can give them in order to help you?

Roon Core Machine

Include your operating system and machine info (Model, CPU, RAM)
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Networking Gear & Setup Details

Your network gear (model of routers/switches), if on WiFi/Ethernet, and if you are using a VPN
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Connected Audio Devices

Specify what devices you’re using and their connection types, like USB/HDMI/Chromecast, etc.)
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Number of Tracks in Library

Tell us how large your music library is, eg. “30,000 tracks”
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Description of Issue

Tell us about the problem you’re having in as much detail as possible. Screenshots are alway appreciated!
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Mac mini M2 Pro 16GB 2TB Ventura 13.4.1
Netgear Switch
Linn Klimax DSM/2 (ethernet)
Linn Klimax DS/1 (ethernet)
Linn Sneaky (3) (ethernet)
Linn Majik DSM (ethernet)

44,475 Tracks


And gigabit Internet service

Where in the world are you? Not sure Radio paradise is using a CDN distribute it’s streams or it’s direct if the latter the stream is going to be susceptible more to internet issues and where you are is likely a factor. They have also had issues with their encoder before now that caused it. Can you stream via their web app or phone app without it dropping out ?

Nathaniel_Elam on a post in the Linn section solved the problem. It turns out the new Private Relay option in OS X can interfere with Internet radio stations.

Is there any way to use Private Relay with Roon that does not cause this issue?

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