How do I access Radio Paradise on Roon? I tried to find it in the radio menu, but it doesn’t appear. Any help?
Use the top right magnifying glass.
…and press enter
@abdoabdala, I just confirmed for me here in the US that all Radio Paradise stations were found.
The easiest way to seach is to select, from Roon’s Browse menu on the left tab, the Live Radio tab. Then search in the global search (magnifying glass icon on the top right of the window) Radio Paradise, the you must hit your Enter or Return key. The four Radio Paradise channels should be the result.
It is important to hit Enter or Return, and also not to use the Filter magnifying glass icon for the seach.
Under Eclectic station category. If you don’t see it there at first hit the more button (upper right).
The simple main search finds several stations for me. Press Enter to get the full search results, then scroll down to Live Radio search results
Thanks everyone, something crazy happened here, because I searched and it never appeared… I did a demonic process… lol… power off power on… it appeared…
It’s a real shame but the Roon integration of Radio Paradise is too basic and very disappointing.
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