Radio stations and Qobuz connection issue on Roon (ref#TMUMWS)

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Describe the issue

radio stations do not show up in the live radio browser. I have radio stations saved in my radio which do not show. Also Qobuz says no connection. I do have internet connection have checked in internet browser

Describe your network setup

sky router/modem, buffalo switch connected to PC server connected by USB to Dac

Hi @David_Thomas,

As a troubleshooting measure have you tried rebooting the Router, wait 5 mins (for it to initialise) and then reboot Roon Server Machine?

Hi @David_Thomas,

Can you please specify the RoonServer instance showing symptoms? Multiple servers are visible on this network, since other Roon users have databases installed at the same location.

If this is a layer-3 switch, try bypassing and connecting directly to the router. Verify that the assigned DNS server in the router settings is reliable - we usually recommend Cloudflare (

will try this - thanks

Have disconected and turned off network, reinstalled roon. All working now.

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