A few days ago, Roon suddenly stopped displaying cover art for a seemingly random selection of albums. Some are imported from disc, some are downloaded with artwork, some without, all are local on my hard drive. The missing covert displays as gray squares.
Sometimes I can catch glimpses of the missing covers when I scroll - which is probably a
telling detail. I’m on Windows 11, 64 bit.
I’ve tried changing the cover art preference from “best” to “file,” which made it worse. Then went back and changed preference to “best.” Am still left with lots of cover art missing. I’ve reached out a couple times to Roon support and heard nothing back, except for an autoreply. Does anyone have a suggestion? Thanks for reading!
My windows machine is the end point system and my Roon server. Been working well for years. Wondering if this could be a windows issue. But I’m having no other difficulty. Cover art is missing in ios apps, if that’s relevant.
I don’t have any good ideas for you. You’ve probably checked to make sure you’re up to date etc… My system has rock on a separate box, but my deskside end point is on Windows 11. I’m not seeing any issues with that config. Sure you have enough resources? Enough video memory?
I just had a quick look at your activity on the fourm and didn’t see any support requests from you. So I think something must have gone wrong at that time Have you tried recently using the new Type Form system?
If you do wish to log a support ticket follow this process …
To equip the Roon Technical Support team to assist you directly, please follow this link to provide the details of your case to Technical Support: Technical Support Request
Respond to the prompts there to ensure that you’ve performed basic troubleshooting and to ensure Technical Support has the full details necessary to expedite Technical Support’s investigation into the case. Your responses will auto-generate a Community thread in the appropriate section.
I can’t imagine this could be the cause, but maybe it is, because you have a DAC connected to your Windows machine, if I’m not mistaken.
There seems to be a problem with the latest Windows updates and connected DACs.
So… what happens when you disconnect the DAC? (And maybe do a reboot after that.)
Hey there. I just solved my issue. Do you run Malware Bytes? It placed one of the Roon server files in quarantine. Once I released it from quarantine, the album cover art returned. I hope this is helpful. Best, Evan