Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)
Intel Nuc 7th Gen Roon Rock up to date.
Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Wifi Asus R68 router,
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
Auralic Vega
Description Of Issue
Randomly loses connection to audio device. It happens with playing local files as well as Qobuz. no pattern any time of day, and loss patterns can be individual as well as clusters (4 times in 2 min).
Mike_LC I agree it is ethernet. At first I noticed it was happening when I was streaming. But then 2 nites ago I noticed it happened playing local files. Question: Do I need an external connection to Roon for it to play? I notice my ISP isn’t the best.
You do need a decent internet connection for Roon to Stream Tidal, Qobuz, pull metadata and communicate with Roon Labs but for playing you local library it would be your internal network.
Ok so you have the core wired to the router. If you are using wireless to the Auralic Vega would it be possible to try an Ethernet connection? Is the Auralic Vega firmware up to date?
I’m offering possibilities that come to mind until someone more knowledgeable chimes in.
Dylan, you clued me into something. My USB Cable. It is a boutique cable with a built in noise filter. I remember now that the filter can sometimes cause issues. I put roon on play 2 hours ago and it is still playing so I am going to let it go as far as I can get it to go.
Thanks for taking a closer look at the USB cable! If you have another standard non-audiophile USB cable, I’d check to see if the same issue occurs with that one.
@noris I replaced the boutique cable with a cheap printer cable and it ran for about 5 hrs before stopping. I ordered a Supra USB that is a well built but reasonably priced just to have it. I will try running it today to get more data.