I am unable to stream Spotify to a Raspberry Pi Model 3 B running RoPieeeXL. What are the specific configuration settings in the RoPieeeXL software ver. 2022.04 (0179) for Spotify streaming to the R. Pi?
It is definitely there … it’s Librespot ….
Solved, thank you Stefano! The Spotify name was removed from an earlier RoPieeeXL software version. Spotify now only appears as a hover button under Librespot. I was not familiar with the Librespot name; I would think that many new users may also not recognize this nomenclature. Perhaps a future release can reference “Spotify” next to the Librespot name.
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Technically, what RoPieee provides is a convenient implementation of Librespot, and I suspect that there are reasons why the tab is named the way it is (certification and usage rights usually means $).