Recommended metadata to maximize file identification process

I am preparing to rip my CD collection and would like to confirm how to best tag the metadata, in order to maximize Roon’s identification process.

I’ve read the following within these discussions:

“The single most important factor for getting a good identification is to make sure the files for a given album (or album set) are together in a directory, they have proper media (disc) numbers and track numbers, no files are missing, and no files have duplicates.”

“…we only use a scant handful of tags (album, artist, albumartist, track name, track number, and media number) in addition to the file and folder names and track lengths to identify (the files).”

In the past, I’ve always been happy ripping CDs with the most basic tags:

Album Artist
Disc Number
Track Artist
Track Number
Track Title
Year (original release)

So my minimal list is in sync with the tags mentioned in the above quote.

Are there any other tags that are recommended?

In dBpoweramp, I have the following options selected:

[x] Track number without track count (ie 2 not 2/9)

[x] Disc number without disc count (ie 1 not 1/3)

But would it be helpful to not use those options, so that Track Count and Disc Count are tagged?


you want discnumber and track tagged, but you don’t want track count or disc count…they’re superflous.

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