Reconnect is problematic, especially in full-screen mode

When I pick up my Surface after non-use, it sometimes has trouble reconnecting to the server. Sometimes just a delay, but I have had complete failures. Last time, I went and futzed with the server, don’t know that was the cause. But it is annoying.

But in addition, if the remote is in full-screen mode, I am pretty much stuck when this happens. I don’t even have the task bar, or the red X in the upper right corner, and no hamburger menu, so I can’t even shut the program down. It should never go into this catatonic state.

I put in a ticket for this one - thanks.

As for the intermittent connection issues, I’m happy to take a deeper look. Shoot me a PM the next time it happens, and we’ll see if there’s anything we can learn about what’s going on.

Mike – it just happened, let me know what I can do to send info.
Build 21 on all systems.
Remote on W8.1 Surface would not connect. Several restarts, didn’t help.
Server looked ok when I went to it. Restarted the server, and now the remote could connect.

if you tell it to select a different library, do you see the server on the list? maybe in a funny state?

Thanks @AndersVinberg – I responded to your other message and see the logs in our system. I’ll be in touch.

Yes, I tried that, it shows a display with my server in some pending state (don’t recall right now what it was called), and an option for adding another library. Of course I don’t have another server to talk to – would this library option let me talk to the same server but pick another library there? I don’t have another library either, but I guess I could make one. What is a library? I don’t have Roon on this machine…


Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.