Remove a Qobuz album from My Library

I am trying out the integration with Qobuz.

I played an album which I do not have audio files for on my server – and then I tapped Add to my Library. I thought it might guide me to buy the files from Qobuz, but no, it just seem to add a reference to My Library - sort of subverting the distinction between My Library (= my files) and Qobuz.

Anyway, how can I reverse this? I tapped around but couldn’t find anything. How do I remove this album/ track from My Library?

Tap on the 'remove from library.

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Thanks @leafy. I don’t have this in my interface:

Don’t tap the three-dot menu on the right for the track, tap the (…) button at the top of the page for the album. Next to Play Now and the heart, exactly as you see in @leafy’s screenshot

Your Roon library contains your local files and Qobuz/Tidal alike. It’s your music library regardless of where they came from. If you want to see only your local files, there is an option for that in Focus, and you can set a bookmark for that, to make it quicker to get to

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If you were looking to buy the Album, you would need to use the Qobuz web player and/or webpage to complete the purchase. Once purchased you can download the music files to your local server where Roon searches for your Local Music. Roon will then add this to your Local Library and as @Suedkiez has outlined this can be accessed in your local files through Focus or your Album Page .

You cannot purchase files via Qobuz via any other means than their own app. Integration is from the streaming end that allows you to stream any of their large catalog or artists, albums and tracks and manage it all via Roon as you would your locally owned files. This is one of the key things that makes Roon different to all the other music library apps out there which don’t allow and organising or editing of their material.

That was it. Thanks a lot for getting back to me!

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