Remove/delete Tidal album? [Solved]

How to remove a Tidal album? I imported the ‘essential albums’ package but really don’t to keep all of them. I followed the normal steps: select album, edit, delete album. It shows Tidal as source. I press delete and it gives an error: Files not found or no permission.

I could hide them, but that seems unsatisfactory and I guess the’ll still be in my database taking space and processing.

Weird, Roon did some reshuffling and now it is working…

I delete them and get the same message. Generally Tidal and Roon will eventually agree that I mean what I say. Until then, I hide them as well.

Sometimes deletion seem to gets stuck and deleting favourites in Tidal can speed up deletion in Roon. It would be nice to see a delete button that worked as quickly as the add button, even if some hiding was involved.

There is ongoing work regarding Tidal synchronisation. I think @jeremiah is aware of the issues around deletion in Tidal and he may be able to let us know something about future plans for it.

I’m having the same problem, things worked fine while I was using an old notebook as my temporary roon server, but now that I’ve moved to a new dedicated windows 8.1 roon server I find that I have inadvertently re-added all the Tidal Albums I previously deleted. Now I can’t delete, I get the file not found error. Should I assume this will correct itself in a few days, or is other action required on my part?

So far Roon has not fixed it self, I still can not delete individual Tidal albums. I get the “File not found” error, and they remain there, I can Hide the albums, but they still come up in the preview list when selecting radio tracks.

Please advise how I can fix this.


There has been some work on this and I had been seeing immediate deletes of TIDAL albums. I’ll check again tonight but let’s drop a flag for @danny and @jeremiah to see if they can assist.

Hello @Steve_Miller, sorry for troubles here. Do you see the deleted albums, which were re-added in Roon, on the TIDAL website as a part of your collection ?

they do appear to have been marked as favorates (stared) in my tidal account; however when I un-star them and go back to roon, i still can not delete the files with the same error.

please advise…

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.