If you copied ffmpeg using Linux then there may have been an execute permission missing. It’s been mentioned before on the forum. A copy using Windows or iOS might help.
are you aware we are discussing setup for an audio equipment witch was working perfect before this “update” !
By the fact I am using Windows 11, but maybe somebody have an Idee on the way it should be cook.
What about making the working version available until you solve the problem with a customer oriented procedure with the new one
Please calm down, just other Roon users here trying to help,
What update?
Roon Server Software Version 2.0 (build 1277) production is already 30 days old An update of Roon Server should have no influence on ffmpeg
Operating System Version 1.0 (build 258) production is already 69 days old An operating system update may, but shouldn’t, have influence on ffmpeg
No mass reporting of other users having the same issue that I’m aware of. So it might as well be an early sign of a dying OS SSD inside your Nucleus+. What would I do in your shoes?
Make sure you have a current backup of your Roon DB.
Shutdown (power button or web interface) your Nucleus+ and remove it from mains power for five minutes, then connect it again to power and boot it up (power button). If you cant connect to the web interface after, your SSD might be toast. You probably can confirm that by connecting a monitor/TV to the HDMI port of the Nucleus+.
If your Nucleus+ is still operating, I would try and reinstall the operating system from the web interface.
Follow the guide to add ffmpeg to your Nucleus+ (again).
If all this is done and you still see the message about missing codecs in the web interface, please show a screenshot of your filebrowser showing the ffmpeg file in the directory on your Nucleus+.
nothing I have’nt try already a few times, happy to know the problem is unique, based on the procedure to grap, uncompress(2 time) and transfert the ffmpeg, may I suggest without altering your sensibility consider we may be more than one.
by the fact if I use an ipad with old version of roon everything works at the perfection.
This is why, with consideration, I may suggest it could be related with the new version of the software
Sorry, but could you please clarify this? What version/build of Roon are you running on your iPad, and what do you mean by “everything is working perfectly [sic]”
Recently, I had the same problem. I used the linux processed version of ffmpeg on a QNAP NAS and it worked fine. I went on to a Nuc10 running Rock and the ffmpeg linux version did not work. I copied ffmpeg from a Win 11 computer and it has all worked fine since.
This statement doesn’t make sense at all. Remote devices don’t have influence on Core operation, including missing or not missing codecs. Do you see a message about “missing codecs” when you visit the web interface of your Nucleus+? If not, then all is well (with your codecs).
What is your actual issue, what is your remote with issue if it’s not your “ipad with old version of roon”.
I mean I can acces to the nucleus and use it as I did during the past 2 or 3 years.
on the pc I have just load from roon 2.0 buil 1277 site not working
on the mac m1 I have 2.0 buil 1272 working perfect
on the ipad I have 2.0 build 1277 working perfect
The core is a Nucleus+ as document in my first message
So I think we are all still confused as to what, precisely, your issue is.
The title of your thread seemed to suggest that the ffmpeg codec file had mysteriously gone missing from your Nucleus+, and that you had copied it back again using your PC.
Now you seem to be saying that one of your Roon Remotes (the one on your PC) can no longer access your Nucleus+, while two others can.
The issue of a Roon Remote not being able to connect to a Nucleus has nothing to do with codec files.
We’d love to help you, but you need to be clear about what your issue is. Thank you.
Did you add exceptions for Roon and RAATServer to the firewall? Do you use other security/firewall software besides what’s already built-in in Windows? If yes, you may have to add exceptions there as well.
who start this story with the codecs ?
the error message on my Pc when I start roon is required audio codecs missing!
to solve this issue or lean more visit http://go.roonlobs.com/Roon/codecs
So you likely use Windows 10/11 N and need to install the Media Feature Pack for Windows 10/11 N first (this should install the required codecs for Windows).