Retain editorial ratings of albums after editing

Okay guys,

There is always the Editorial Ratings of the Album. Now , if I change it, I can only see the changed Rating and the editorial Rating disappears.

I would like if both Ratings would still be visible.

Anybody interested into this issue?

Thanks, Greetings to all Roon-Users.

Roger, Ciao

You can also focus on rating but there’s no distinction between the editorial and your rating.
Seems like the own rating masks an eventually existing editorial rating and the UI just represents that fact by showing the rating with the highest precedence (the one that will be used when you focus on rating).

However, an eventually masked editorial rating isn’t lost. You can still see it by clicking on the small blue down arrow right besides the rating.

I don’t use the rating functionality at the moment but if I would, the current behavior is what I would expect.

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