Retaining original image quality for uploaded artist images


Roon has been reducing the image quality of the files that are uploaded to replace the stock artist image. Is there any way to disable this? I’d happily take the performance hit rather than seeing low quality images on larger screens. ( A trash-can Mac Pro is my dedicated server)

Memory for Photos is already cranked up:
2018-02-02 15_55_20-Roon

There’s an obvious overlay of grey vignette that’s applied by the UI (which does look stylish though sometimes feels too much) but hopefully below examples of Justin Timberlake’s mug would be enough to demonstrate this. Eyebrows/eyelashes shows the image degradation quite well.

Original image file vs what interface shows after upload:


Following…good observations

Apologies for resurfacing this but wondering if anyone can comment regarding this image degradation, or know any way to avoid it.

Another bump after 4 months. Just a confirmation from the team that this is indeed an app limitation and not something I can configure to solve would be enough for now.


After starting using Roon on larger screens (65 inch tv & 34 inch ultrawide) the degradation the image quality receives when its set as Artist Image on Roon has become very noticable. In my eyes, it really hurts the browsing experience, especially for people for people care about this stuff/manually changing these to what they prefer.

Is there reason for this?

Here’s a recent one I’ve seen.

A cool hi-res shot of Satriani I chose to replace the crap stock photo:

What Roon does to it: (zoom in on the face to see how much it degrades in sharpness & quality)
