Celeron and Pentium NUCs make great USB endpoints. They do not have legacy boot and need a UEFI capable OS.
Currently I configure them using dietpi / Roon Bridge. Roon Bridge updates automatically through the Roon interface, but dietpi needs to be updated by SSHing into the device.
It would be great to have a version of ROCK
that boots UEFI, so it can be used on Celeron and Pentium NUCs
that does not carry the full ROCK functionality, but only the lean Bridge, minimizing load on especially the Celerons
I am quite sure almost all of what would be needed to implement this already exists in ROCK.
I have just updated dietpi on my NUC Pentium based Roon Bridge and I was wondering if the above request was ever considered.
With a ROCK like Roon Bridge endpoint on my Pentium NUC, I wouldn’t need to update anything.
Yes, I am aware of that. I would assume that at some point in time ROCK will have to move to UEFI boot, just to keep up with the >Pentium NUCs’ inevitable move to UEFI.