Roon 1.2 64bit UI doesn't repaint on Windows 10 when using High Contrast Dark Theme


I am just starting out with Roon. I am visually-impaired and rely on the high DPI scaling, high contrast dark theme, and extra large inverted mouse pointer Windows features to use the computer.

I struggled through Roon setup due to two issues:

  1. Roon’s default theme is Light. This theme is literally painful for me to use. Luckily I found the Setup option to change Roon to the Dark theme. I would have appreciated Roon detecting that my system is set to the High Contrast Dark Theme and selecting Dark for me to avoid this painful installation.
  2. With High Contrast Dark theme, the Roon UI fails to repaint whenever there is any change to the UI. This makes Roon very difficult to use together with this theme, requiring me to switch away from Roon and back every time I interact with the Roon UI to force a repaint.

I noticed the second issue goes away when I switch to one of the regular Windows themes. Fortunately, I got Roon Remote working on my iPad, and that is a more tenable workaround for me to control Roon running on my PC.

Please consider addressing these issues, as their resolution will make life easier for anyone using Roon on their PC with the High Contrast Windows theme.

Thank you for all your efforts!

Hi Lena,

I just went through every high contrast theme in windows 10 (even the white one) and I had 0 issues with UI repaints. Can you post a quick screen capture so we can see the issue.

I suspect it might be video card related. I’m running an NVIDIA 780ti graphics card and using the latest NVIDIA drivers. I can test it on a straight Intel integrated GPU later, which I will do and see if that makes a difference.

Hi Daniel,

I’m running with Intel integrated graphics 4600 and the latest drivers through Windows Update.

Here’s a video that demonstrates the issue,!AlUp31eb_Hr0g-9lNBMjgepXG4G7Pw.

  1. Point at the menu button and click
  2. Note that when the mouse pointer is over the button, the hot tracking doesn’t happen. Because the UI doesn’t repaint, no controls change as I move the mouse pointer over them.
  3. Switch to the Edge Browser
  4. Switch back to Roon
  5. Now the UI repaints and the menu shows up, as expected from the button click in step 1

Also note an unrelated high DPI scaling issue visible in this video: The hand pointer is much smaller than the arrow pointer in the Roon UI.

Hope this helps.


Yes, indeed. I just tested with an integrated 5200 Pro Chipset. I think I’ll throw a shout out to @mike to weigh in.

@support: I’d appreciate your help with resolving this issue. Thank you!

Hi @Lena_Berg – unfortunately there is very little we can do when a driver fails to refresh properly. I went into some more detail about the issue here:

I would check the Intel site to see if they are offering a newer driver than what you’re getting from Windows Update.

Sorry for the trouble here!

It definitely is the drivers for the Intel line of embedded GPU’s. I’ll try and get a newer version and see it works correctly. Computers with discreet video cards are working find with the High Contrast Dark theme.

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.