Roon 1.3 Release Date

It’s the end of the month! Maybe it will be released tonight!! :slight_smile:

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Any day now, any day now…


Folks… go enjoy some music and stop worrying about when its coming…its starting to sound the Emotiva User forum here for the XMC-1/RMC etc. And that is not a good thing

Are we to expect a “When is 1.3.1 coming?” soon as 1.3 is out? or hurry up and get to 2.0 and skip the rest of the onsies?

All this “is it here yet?” talk just makes the developers want to not ever mention a date or estimate for anything ever again.

I bet they make Darko sign an NDA next time :stuck_out_tongue:


no wikileaks?

Lighten up. This is all just for fun. We all know that it is not ready until it is ready.

I know I know…buts it’s still another 25+ hours to go before end of Jan and I’m probably ahead of 90% you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

the same thing again and again is getting tired…like a skipping record. I much preferred the non MQA thread…at least that one has a ways to go.

[quote=“Paul_Chatfield, post:31, topic:18282”]
I’m probably ahead of 90% you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
[/quote]only in time :joy:

It’s more fun here.

Today I realized that your tomorrow is my day after tomorrow. :unamused:

1,5 months ago a fix was promised for this bug in 1.3. Since then no updates… I’m really tired of waiting for a bugfix.
I’ll be very disappointed if this fix doesn’t come tomorrow. Had to restart roonserver again this morning… for the 20th time or so

I’d be surprised if this wasn’t fixed in the next update given the delay. Crossing my fingers for you. These irritants mar the pleasure of Roon.

Thats why its much better to wait patiently until March or April.
The current version works really well, so give them time to come out with a bug free version!

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No the current version of roon server on linux does not work really well… that’s the whole point.

There’s one issue, affecting Tidal users.

Indeed… but it’s very annoying and has dragged on for many weeks. The fix was promised for 1.3… so I really hope that update or a bugfix is coming within the next day or 2.

I only need the tidal issue to be fixed… everything else is a bonus :smile: