Roon 1.7 vs 1.8, hmmm

I’ve had the same love/frustrated “Argh!!/WTF” relationship with using Roon for years and mostly only with the UI/UX. It’s just what Roon is. I’ve gotten over it, I even had a 10month hiatus from Roon and came back fairly recently. Roon’s a weird beast, weird decisions within the company. The path is not our path for the most part.

Having said that, I do hope they can fix the stuff they’ve broken or removed for no apparent reason going from 1.7-1.8, pretty sharpish!


So why are so many things deprecated? In this way in the near future you’ll have many users who are also “deprecated”.


Please bring back the 1.7 tag management.
Why can’t I tag multiple tags at once? Please see other applications, they all can multi-tag, even your forum software.
Please see that current un-tagging system is completely nuts.
Tagging in 1.7 was gold.


My biggest peeve, I’m no longer able to see all tracks by an artist in a table view? Why remove that…

And tags should be visible in the track list as they were in 1.7.

I’m on 1.7 and I can do the same.

I’m not sure if I understand what you mean. The word “focus” refers most of the time to “make something more precise”. Making an image “in focus” is to sharpen it. “Focus on an idea” is to concentrate on it. So “focus” related to a search should mean “narrow the result” of that search, which the (inexplicable) absence of an “OR” option makes more difficult.

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Regardless of one’s views on the definition of the word, it’s poor form to break functionality for users (i.e. those with preexisting bookmarks), particularly without any comments in the release notes. Given that Danny has already said they’re looking at fixing this, I presume the outcome wasn’t quite what was intended.


OR widens, AND narrows.

Depends: all albums tagged Rock AND tagged Jazz widens; all albums tagged with both Rock AND Jazz narrows.

A search is more or less precise in relation of what you are looking for. If I want, for example, to shuffle songs tagged as “acoustic” mixed with songs tagged “relaxing”, because I like how those two concepts play against each other, a “precise” or “focused” search should include both, and for that I would need the “OR” operator.

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The phone was never designed or intended to present the full Roon experience. This is mission creep.
The phone is designed for quick access to basic features due to the lack of screen real estate


You’re absolutely right about that.

If this change was made accidentally, or even purposefully without direction, there’s reason to worry about the software evolution process Roon Labs is using.

However, having devoted a significant portion of my life to mastering the intricacies of recursive and looping SQL, I won’t be happy unless there’s a full SQL query mechanism exposed!


It is startup pivoting, which is perfectly fine for a company size of Roon. Requests on more stability are nice dreams of users, but not realistic expectations.

Since the implementation of 1.8 I have massive problems. Albums cannot be found or are not shown when. Albums are linked where is abolute no link at all. Tags are gone.
I hope it will be solved soon.

Works here:

But tracks are no longer on the artist page, is that what you mean?

“Amateur” is the word that keeps occurring to me. Some of the design features are just so strange that you have to wonder how they were proposed and survived. Like the wasted space with Hi, Username and the statistics about what you have in your library. Who cares? Who cares enough to have it take up a quarter of the Home Screen? And the tiny Search Box? And the garish colours? And the shrunken Waveform?


There ARE star ratings of albums, they are displayed in the album page and you can use them in Focus. What disappeared is that they are shown on album thumbnails in the album overview - which I do not understand as there are 10 badges I can turn on or off, why not star rating.


That’s the problem with this whole release. They didn’t remove any features, they just mutilated and buried them so they’re hardly recognizable or useful. I might even be able to give that a pass if they actually increased the connections and discovery in my library, but because I’m not a streaming user none of those features carried over. I don’t understand what I gained in this release as of now, and no one from Roon has explained why all of the Valence features aren’t available for standalone users. If I enable a null Qoboz account I can see a lot of it, just doesn’t connect to the new releases or find some versions of the albums in areas like “In Their Prime”. It half works, just like shuffle, tagging, bookmarks.

I actually think with some minor improvements the UI overhaul could be seen as a positive, but not at the cost of functionality so intertwined with the experience.


It just seemed odd to see people throwing a fit about the removal of something that is clearly there. I agree that ratings should at least be an option in the album display preferences like other badges, but a little research before writing an epic rant would also be a good idea

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