I’m so sorry about the trouble you ran into and we are grateful that you’ve let us know. Also, we appreciate that you’ve tried finding a resolution already.
And, absolutely no judgement here . We do recommend backups as much as is doable
So we can take a closer look, are you able to access your database and zip up the Logs folder for us?
If you can zip up that folder and send us a copy here, we can get a sense of what’s gone wrong here.
I have the Logs Folder zipped and ready to send. However, the ‘Here’ link you provided just brings me right here to your response. I can’t imagine you meant for to transfer it here…and if you did, I cant figure a way to actually do so.
Please…where can I send it to you? BTW…I also have the Apple crash report that I can send along with it if you wish.
It’d be great if you wanted to send the Apple Crash report as well. If you have a Dropobox account, for example, you can send us an access link via a private message. To do so, please click on my name and then Message on the top right of the pop-up window.
Otherwise, please, send an email to contact@roonlabs.com with the two files attached . Please, make sure to refer this thread in the email
I took a look at logs that you sent us and, unfortunately, Roon is crashing very early, and it looks like there is a system-level issue at play here. So we can understand more clearly what’s happening, can you share macOS console logs with us? Instructions below:
Open Console.app (this is part of mac os x. You can command-spacebar and then type “console” to find it).
Then go into the “User Reports” section, and see if you can find any Roon crashes in there.
For any crashes, paste the contents into a text doc and then send that file over to use so we can take a look.
The crash report information you requested was sent several days ago.
However, since that time, I have found the offending file. Indeed, one of the database files which was apparently corrupted.
Removing the file allowed Roon to fully launch. As it is one of the app-generated files, I had hoped that Roon would replace it (if it was needed) and would otherwise be happy. Alas, that was not the case. It would seem that it remembered little if anything and I needed to start over nearly from scratch.
I DO have a backup (some two months old, unfortunately) so I was able to get most of the previous state back…but not all of it.
Prior to all of this, I did archive the database contents and still have that archive compleatly untouched.
While I really don’t mind losing most of what’s gone…there are one or two things which I REALLY would love to get back.
Is there ANY way to extract from that archived database folder a listing of the DSP settings and/or a track listing of the now-missing playlists? I’m not asking if they can be restored…I’m only asking for just a textual track listing. Something I could use to manually re-construct those Playlists. One in particular is very VERY important.
On 28Jun, 2021, at 18:43, Dylan Caudill via Roon Labs Community community@roonlabs.com wrote:
I didn’t see the logs come through, but I’m happy to hear that things are mostly working for you now.
Which file was it that was corrupt? Can you elaborate on what you changed here?
Unfortunately, if you don’t have a backup, it is not possible to recover the information without a backup. You have my sincere apologies for this!
The file is named “015824.ldb”
Found at Library/Roon/Database/Core/28f4bd2e482e4942aea6358b3cd812c3/broker_2.db/015824.ldb
I’d offer to send it to you but my finder won’t even let me copy it anywhere. I can move it…but it won’t copy.
Remove it from the Library folder and Roon launches. Put it back……and the problems start up again.
If you come up with any ideas on a way to extract the playlist rosters, I’m all ears. Won’t go into all of the details…but losing one of them in particular represents a major loss. The rest I won’t lose much sleep over.
Sorry you missed the logs. I sent them about 15 minutes after I got your message asking for them (now a number of days ago). Perhaps if there was a way to send such things directly to you instead of going through the contact@ mailbox (which I presume to be also being used by everyone else and their dog) such things would not go missing and users would not go weeks with crippled and dead software.
I’m looking into this with our QA team – I’m hoping to get some feedback from them on the crash logs that you sent.
How did you find that 015824.ldb was causing issues? Did you try out multiple files in the database, or did you run some sort of scan? Anything you can tell us about this would be helpful.