Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)
Windows 10 / Core I5 9600K, 16 GB RAM, local library stored on Synology NAS / Roon 1.8 (build 756)
Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Wired ethernet connects Core machine to Synology NAS with music files via Netgear Orbi router local network and connected to Xfinity cable modem for internet access. All other applications working and can access the internet and Synology NAS via Windows from Core machine.
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
Does not get to that stage. When it could actually get to the point of playing music output to System Output (on Core machine) as well as streaming to various Sonos devices.
Description Of Issue
Roon was working properly as of 2/17. I routinely shut down the Core each night at bedtime (it resides on my home office PC.) Upon startup this morning, the Roon application launches and then sits on the blank screen with the animated Roon Icon. The application does not appear to have crashed, I can move the window, close the application using the close button on the window, etc. It shows as running in task manager, using 381 MB or so of memory and a low amount of CPU. However, it never loads the library or otherwise makes any progress off of the first screen.
I am able to access the internet from the core machine. I am able to log in to Roon web site from the core machine. I am able to connect to Qobuz and steam music from the core machine. I am able to access the LAN and the Synology NAS to see all the files in my local library.
I checked to make sure Roon had access to the network in Windows and both roon.exe and raatserver.exe have access in both private and
public networks.I rebooted the core machine and restarted Roon multiple times and it continues to stay on the screen with the animated Roon icon.
I attempted to access the Core from a different remote (using WiFi over the Netgear Orbi from an android phone that I sometimes use as a remote) and it ALSO sits on the animated Roon icon on the first screen. Thus client behavior is consistent on both the Core machine as well as remote clients, indicating this is likely a server side issue of some sort.