Roon Analyzer Not Computing Dynamic Range for Some DSD512 Files [Ticket In]

What’s happening?

· DSD512 tracks and albums only (not other sample rates) are not getting a DR value during analysis.

How can we help?

· Do I have a configuration problem on my Roon instance that is causing this? How can I solve this?

Other options

· Other

Describe the issue

I have several albums containing dsf files that are in DSD512 format. For some reason, Roon's analyzer does not compute the dynamic range for these tracks. This is not the case for other PCM and DSD formats, including DSD128 and even DSD256. It is only DSD512 files that have this problem. Please advise if this is a configuration issue?

Describe your network setup

This is not a networking issue.

Mine does. Beats me…


What is puzzling is that the tracks do get analyzed. They just don’t get populated with a DR value. Here is a DSD256 track, showing DR as one would expect:

And here is a DSD512 track. Note the absence of a DR value.

Odd as DR is being displayed for my DSD512 albums.

Again, beats me… my DSD512 albums are all fine.

Hi @austinpop,

Thank you for your post.

Can you please upload one of the affected files here for our QA team to investigate? Thanks!

Media Uploader [Moderator temporariliy removed link]

Hi @connor I’d be happy to. The link you sent me appears to be a download link, I don’t see an action to upload files. Am I missing something obvious?


I haven’t tried, but can’t you simply drag & drop a file there?

I did try drag and drop and it doesn’t work.

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I don’t think all these files and some user names should be exposed there :wink:
@connor @Roon_Moderators ?

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HI @austinpop,

My apologies, try this link instead: Uploader

Hi @connor,

Done. Please note DSD512 files tend to be huge, and the uploader limits files to 100MB, so I had to find a tiny track, which I ultimately did. If more samples are needed, I may need a higher limit link, but let’s cross that bridge when we come to it.

Thanks for your investigation into this issue. I stand ready to try any remedies you recommend.

Hi @connor,

Clarification, please ignore the first file I uploaded, as it is an unsupported format in Roon (DSD512 48k, i.e. 24.576 MHz). I uploaded a second file of size ~56MB that is a supported DSD512 file.


Hi @austinpop,

We’re having issues locating the media - could you share the specific track name? My apologies here!

Hi @benjamin

I have uploaded a fresh file to that link. The name is:

Here is the file info in Roon. Note the analysis data:

Please let me know once you have successfully located the file.

Kind regards.

Hi @austinpop,

The team has reproduced the issue with the file - please allow us a chance to sync with devs internally and we’ll respond with next steps.

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Hi @connor

That’s great to hear that the team could successfully reproduce the issue. Looking forward to next steps.


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Hi @austinpop,

Development has ticketed a fix, so there’s a ticket progressing through the pipeline that will eventually trickle into an upcoming release.

This should be released to the public within a few builds. I’ll mark this thread for tracking and updates will be posted here.

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That is great news!

Hi @austinpop,
The developers have made a potential fix that should be released soon. Let us know if it improves things