44.1 kHz 16 bit CD-quality music is a perfect source for the Mojo, so I’m happy with Bluetooth for those times I’m away from home. I think it is a worthwhile compromise to drop the clunky DNLA / MPlayer combination needed for streaming. If I’m using the SD-card, I’ll likely stick with MDP / Glider, but since most of my music is Red Book, ARC is the best solution for me now.
Yes, I’m using a wireless connection from the phone to the Mojo2 for now. Also, I have a good bit my library on an SD card in the Poly so I can play that. I have no problem with 44.1 Khz 16 bit, but I’m finding clear differences between 44.1 Khz 16 bit from the SD card vs. across BT in blind ABX testing. I’m sure if @mjw does careful listening of his 44.1/16 collection over BT relative to through wireless in his home network, he will hear a difference. I’ve appreciated your help on this and am understanding it better now. Thanks.
Quite possibly, but I see no benefit when in a plane, train or noisy environments. And, of course, there’s Airplay, too, which doesn’t use compression when casting to the Mojo albeit this needs hotspot mode enabled. Bluetooth is a little more convenient.
I’m also a proud user of Mojo2/Poly solution on one side, and Roon/ARC on the other, and would really like if ARC could work with Poly. But in my case, I dont normally use Poly “on the street”. The noise, the possibly of been robbed, the internet data consumption, makes me look for another solutions on the street and, normally, don’t have a problem with 16-44.1.
But I would like to be able to use Poly with ARC for instance when in vacation, in a wifi environment, but away from my home, without compromising the sound quality. Allowing ARC to be used within Mconnect environment could be an easier solution, but a direct use of ARC with Poly could be better.
Totally agree. It really misses the point when people say “why do you care…there’s a lot of noise in an auto or on the street etc”. Of course we don’t care about that. The issue here is that those of us who have a ton of hi-def music would like to be able to access it and play it above 16/44.1 in quiet listening environments when we are away from our core. I’m currently able to do this through other apps…just would love to find a way to do it with Roon. Also, for those of you who think 16/44.1 is the same as high def because you can upsample or whatever, I would simply disagree. Also, you probably could have gotten very similar sound as the Poly/Mojo2 at a much lower price point.
I would ditch the Poly and plug in the Mojo 2 in that situation. I plug mine into a RPi4.
EDIT: My “away from home” setup…
I agree Jim. I do wish there was a USB pass through to the Mojo2 on the Poly. I worry about frequently connecting and disconnecting the Poly and would rather just leave it hooked up. But by all means the hard wired connection to the Mojo2 sounds great.
Used the Mojo 2 and Poly with my iPhone using the phone’s hotspot outside.
I then used Airplay to the Poly to play music from Roon Arc- personally very pleased with the result.
I am waiting for my Hugo 2+2Go to arrive after NYE and will be using it outside in a similar capacity. I sure hope Chord and Roon find a way to go above 44.1khz but the sound quality is excellent as is IMHO
Hi, @Nick_Yanakiev.
AirPlay is the limiting factor in your configuration. It maxes out at 44.1kHz - there’s nothing Roon or Chord can do about that.
I do want to double check that you’re aware of the following:
If you’re on your home network, you can set your Poly up as a Roon zone and play at native sample frequencies up to the Mojo 2’s maximum
When you’re not at home, ou can connect your Mojo 2 (not the Poly) directly to your phone via an adapter + cable and use ARC to play at sample frequencies up to the Mojo 2’s maximum
I suspect you know this but wanted to be sure.
Thanks for responding. Yes, well aware of the options as they are today. However, based on Ron’s stated intention to bring hires playback to the likes of the Astell&Kern SP3000 when NOT connected to a home network, my hope is the same can be done for the Poly and 2Go.
I suspected this can be easily achieved through offline playback of music downloaded to a SD card and verified as legitimate via a connection to a phone’s hotspot. The phone would continue to be used as a remote.
I figured
Now I get what you’re hoping for. Makes sense. Hope you enjoy your Hugo2!
I used to own a Hugo 2 before so well aware of how good it is. Chord Electronics stable will soon be complete (already own a DAVE and Mscaler too):
Nice. Now I know who to ask if I’m having trouble decoding color bubbles
I bought the Poly all excited about how amazing it would be to enjoy the Mojo2 anywhere, but was promptly returned to planet earth. First, the firmware would no update to the latest and I learned that “some” Poly units have this issue and the fix involves opening up the Poly and possibly doing some soldering.
Playing around with the old firmware, I realized that the Poly is a really, really poor solution to the stream-music-on-the-go problem. Creating ad-hoc wifi hotspots to either direction is a real clunky solution. Making your phone connect to Poly hotspot means that it doesn’t have internet connection since it’s on a dead end wifi.
Listening to Roon ARC and enjoying the amazing headphone EQ (Opra) is impossible. Listening to Tidal/Qobuz is - as far as I can tell - impossible on Android at least.
What Poly should have for use outside the house is i) BT powered, amazing control app to listen to the music on the SD card so you get full sound quality and minimal network usage on airplane etc. and ii) high quality BT codec that in the same situations you can easily listen to what you feel like listening on your phone with decent quality. It has neither.
I returned the Poly unit, which was both defective and flawed from user experience perspective. A $9.99 USB cable between the phone and the Mojo(2) is overall much better solution for 1/50 of the cost.
Note that this doesn’t take away from using Mojo 2 + Poly around the house as a Roon endpoint.
Also - if you are enjoying the Mojo/Poly combo out and about and have found a way to use it, good for you! Not saying you are wrong. Just wanted to share my experience so others are not just relying on the many many hype reviews that say the user experience could be improved upon (ain’t that the understatement of the century).
Still have the Mojo2 and also have the Qutest in home setup so don’t call me a Chord hater either Just think that the Poly is a poor/obsolete product for me in their otherwise stellar lineup.
Agree, out and about I would not use the Poly, I use mine as a mobile Roon and LMS endpoint within the home and for that it is amazing, IMO.
Poly works great for me both on iOS and Android.
At home it is a Roon endpoint machine and works flawlessly.
Out and about I mostly use it for SD card playback with MConnect/Rigelian on iOS and Bubble UPNP on Android. As well as with Roon Arc with AirPlay.
It has its quirks here and there but works great 99% of the time for me. Have never felt like using Poly with Bluetooth as there are so many other options.