Roon app freezing and music playback issues with Tidal connection (ref#GL6ER9)


Thanks for replying. I’m a photographer and changing the DNS speed is like me asking you to shoot a wedding.
If that will help then I will have to get someone in to do that

Hi @David_Pullum ,

Have you by any chance been able to change your DNS servers on the router? I am looking over your case and I did notice one other thing here, which is that I tried searching for the affected track from your original screenshot and I noticed that version does not exist anymore, it’s possible the version was replaced and you were trying to play the old/non-existent version still. Where did you have the track saved was it in a playlist? Do you have any improver options that you can try to run on the playlist?

Thank you.
I have just run through the improve aspects and hope that helps

tbh I dont know what I am doing re the DNS server and with my skills I would probably do something wrong, so I will see if the improver has helped

Thanks again