Roon App Not Recognizing Nucleus as Core After Period of Non-Use (ref#J63QQI)

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Describe the issue

After a modest period of non use, maybe a few weeks, my nucleus/roon system has stopped working. I'm not sure if nucleus is connecting. It looks like it may be, but it doesn't show up in the app as my "core." Also, no audio devices are showing up. It's almost as if the app doesn't recognize that I've ever use it, other than that my user name does appear in the upper left.

Describe your network setup

I don't really know any of this information. I have a professionally installed and managed router/modem/wap system. It has worked fine for a long time (years). It is working now throughout the house, for everything other than nucleus/roon. Nucleus is connected via LAN to house internet.

@Douglas_Kline, it appears your Nucleus is operating, otherwise you would not be able to see the screens you are seeing. Does your music library appear under the Albums or Artists options on the left Settings panel?

Can you connect to the Nucleus’ web admin page by typing its IP address or either http://nucleus or http://nucleusplus into a web browser?

My music library, which is stored on an internal drive, does not appear. I am able to connect to the admin page by typing the IP address into a browser.

I should add, I am signed in to Tidal, and none of my Tidal music appears either.

Looking forward to your thoughts on the issue I’m having, which persists. No music showing in library. No audio devices recognized. I “think” the nucleus is connected as the core. I am able to connect to the web admin page via the IP address. Thanks.

Hi @Douglas_Kline,
Thanks for writing in to let us know about this issue. Since the trouble is connecting a remote to your server the first thing I would check is that the remote device and the server are on the same subnet. Also please share a screenshot of the screen you see on your remote when you try to connect to your Nucleus.

Remote and Nucleus are on the same subnet. Which screen are you asking for a shot of? The Web admin page? Or, the Roon app screen? If the Roon app, which screen? The Home Screen? Or, something else? The “audio set up” screen is shown above. Thanks.

A screenshot of the :gear:> General screen of the Roon app would be useful, since it will show the details of the Roon Server it is connected to… Make sure you mask your email address, e.g.:

Thank you. Will so do later today (if I can figure out how to mask my email address!).

Hey @Douglas_Kline,

We’ll look forward to your follow-up. In the meantime, I’d also access the webUI of the Nculeus and safely turn off Roon Server, and reboot the Nucleus. :+1:

Thank you. I turned off the Roon Server and rebooted the Nucleus. It did not fix the problem. I’m trying to figure out how to send a screen shot requested above and masking my email address. Struggling a bit with that. I can tell you that it says the Nucleus is connected and lists an IP address, which appears to be correct, because that is the IP address I have been using to access the WebUI. Thanks.

Then that confirms what we were wanting to check - that the Roon Server your Roon client is connected to is indeed your Nucleus. Let’s see what the Support Team can suggest as the next steps for you.

Hello @Douglas_Kline ,

Thank you for the additional details. I have activated diagnostics mode for your Nucleus and what this action did is upload a set of logs to our servers for review.

Errors like the one you’ve seen now are signs of low level corruption in the database. This means that the records Roon is reading from your database are different from what was originally written. This can happen for a number of reasons, like failing hard drives or an unstable power source (frequent outages, hard power cuts, etc).

What’s Next?

Install Roon fresh on your Roon Server machine and roll back to one of your older backups. You can use these instructions to do so:

  • Stop RoonServer from running in Nucleus’s WebUI
  • Navigate to your Nucleus’ Database Location
  • Find the folder that says “RoonServer”
  • Rename the “RoonServer” folder to “RoonServer_old”
  • Restart the RoonServer in the WebUI to generate a new Database
  • On the Roon Remotes, press “Use another Roon Server” and connect to the new database
  • (Optional) - Restore your database from a Backup prior to the issue starting

If the database loads properly, your edits, playlists, tags, etc should be intact, and we can confirm everything is performing properly once it’s been restored.

If you do not have any backups, unfortunately the only other solution is to start with a fresh database.

Thank you for this follow up. I’m not sure I have a database backup. I had trouble getting that to work properly. I will try to start anew.

It’s going to be a few days before I can try this. I will follow up when I do.

I very much appreciate your help.

Thank you.

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We’re looking forward to hearing back from you!

Had to build a fresh database. Seems to be working now. Lost my “date added” sortability of my music, but could have been worse. I appreciate your help. I’ll have to figure out how to set up backup routine. Will likely come back with questions on that. But for now, thank you for help.

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