Roon ARC app stuck on launch screen on Samsung S23+ (ref#INS86G)

What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble with Roon ARC

What best describes your issue with ARC

· I can't log into ARC but I can log into Roon

Describe the issue

I am running Rock on NUC 7 i7 connected by ethernet to ASUS RT X 88U router. Arc was working on my Samsung S23+ but more than a month ago it stopped working...sticks at the launch screen logo. I have reloaded ARC, rebooted phone and joy.

Describe your network setup

Asus RT AX88U Pro router with ethernet connection to ROCK installed on NUC 7 i7.

I have the same issues with my Pixel 7, ticket Roon Arc freezes on initial screen on Pixel 7 after logging issue on Apr 19 (ref#5HNC23)

I have been experiencing it since April.

Actually I first reported thi the beginning of May…it happened after trying to troubleshoot another issue

Issue with Now Playing Screen Overlapping Android Controls on Samsung S23+ (ref#BJF9SI)

Last Android update was July 21 2024.

Hi @Mark_Pocock and @Andrew_Jameson,

Can you remove Arc and all it’s applicable data, and see if you’re able to download and install the .APK version? Here’s a download link:

Let me know if this helps :+1:

That seems to have done the trick! Wondering why the Google Play store version did not work, but this one did? Hopefully you can push this version to the Play Store?

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