Roon Server Machine
ROCK, Lenovo Thinkpad X260, Intel I7
Connect with cable ethernet
Networking Gear & Setup Details
Software router operating with Openwrt,
connected with fiber modem(set bridge mode), get public IP address by PPPOE through software router;
router connect with a 8ports switch, ROCK and ROON bridge connected with it
At Openwrt, I have set port forwarding,
I use only IPV4, prohibit any IPV6;
My internal ethernet IP is: 10.10.10.**;
For example, ROCK IP is:;
ROON bridge IP is:;
2 months ago, the ARC worked fine;
Recently it cannot work and report the error as below, I have not change any setting;
Who is your internet service provider?
ISP is China Telecom -
Please list the make and model of your modem and router?
Modem is ZTE brand, router is X86 intel 3865 CPU runnning with Openwrt -
Do you have any additional network hardware, like additional routers or managed switches?
NO -
Does your network have any VPNs, proxy servers, or enterprise-grade security?
Yes, I have set V2Ray on my S/W router
Connected Audio Devices
Roon bridge made by Rasberry Pi 4, using I2S interport
Description of Issue -
At ROON remote test page, it report:
“ipv4_connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkError”,“status_code”:502,“error”:“error: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED, response code: undefined, body: undefined”},
“external_ip”: {“actual_external_ip”:“”,“actual_external_ipv6”:“null”,“router_external_ip”:“null”},
“natpmp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”},
“upnp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”}