Arc Sometimes works properly and automatically comes on when I start my vehicle. Other times it won't connect or it stops playing by it self. There are other times when I choose an album to play, and and it keeps searching - but it never starts playing my selection. I uninstalled room arc and android auto and then reinstall them both. That made no difference with the problems.
We’ll need to address the issues you’ve listed one at a time. Let’s start with playback interruptions after you’ve already started listening to a track.
Do you see any errors listed in ARC when this occurs?
Concerning failures to initiate playback, or hangs in the app - if you’ve paused ARC and kept in on the Queue page while in the foreground of your phone, then you’re encountering a known issue that we’ve just resolved in Early Access. This fix should be in the public build soon.
Where is your RoonServer machine connected in the network setup you’ve just described?
Are you able to reproduce the issue when not leaving the Queue or Now playing page open in Arc? What happens if you migrate to for example your settings page, then background the app?