Roon ARC fails to launch after update on Android 9 (ref#F9A3PT)

What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble with Roon ARC

What best describes your issue with ARC

· Other

Describe the issue

I have been using roonARC for a while now. Today I noticed there was an update. I installed the new version.
When I launch it now the splash screen displays, and nothing happens.
android version 9

Describe your network setup

I have a SonicWall 370W - windows computer running roon server
I doubt it's a network issue as RoonArc was running fine until i updated it to the new version

Hello @john_morina ,

Thanks for reaching out. Can you please confirm the model/manufacturer of the affected phone? Is there any change in behavior if you uninstall and reinstall the ARC app?

The phone is Razer 2. nothing changed on the phone between the time I was using roonARC to when I installed the new version

Just to follow up…i have uninstalled restarted the phone and installed again multiple times. The app still gets stuck on splash screen.

roonARC is the key to my usage of your software.

John Morina

Hey @john_morina,

Thanks for following up! Does the same issue occur if you attempt to download and install the .APK version of Arc? Download link before:

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That worked!!
back in action.


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