Roon ARC fails to play movements together for classical works (ref#BTGCAJ)

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ARC does not play together movements of classical works like Roon, at least when playing a playlist with shuffling. Some works have movements that are split across tracks, and ARC not playing the tracks together results in the movement being interrupted.

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Hi @Evan ,

Thanks for the report. Can you please provide a few examples of classical works that display this behavior? If they are located on TIDAL/Qobuz that would be preferable so that we can try to reproduce the issue on our end.

Here is the example that prompted me to open this case:

Work as appears in my library:

Work as appears in playlist:

When the playlist was shuffled, the first track was played but not the second. This is an example of where the two really need to be played together: the first is just an introduction to the second.

I have this on CD imported locally into my library. This is the album on Qobuz:

Hi @Evan,

For the local version of this album, please share a screenshot of the Multi-Part Composition Grouping settings in the Album Editor screen:

(for example)

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In ARC, if I play a playlist shuffled, and then look at the queue, it does not look like any of the songs are grouped to play together.

In Roon when I play a playlist shuttled, and then look at the queue, I see many songs grouped as e.g. “(2 parts)” or “(4 parts)”.

Does ARC have the functionality to play parts together?

Thank you.


Hey @Evan,

Thanks for the report! Our team should have more information to share next week. We appreciate your patience in the meantime! :+1:

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Hi — is there any update available for this issue?

Thank you!

Hey @Evan,

No updates, unfortunately - do you see this issue with both versions of the album? From your local library as well as Qobuz?

Feel free to upload a copy of the issue album to our uploader below so our team can better assess, thank you!

This is all with local library only — no Qobuz or other streaming service. I only gave a link to Qobuz above so you could see the album structure (as was requested), but the version I have is from CD.

Hi @Evan ,

Thanks for the details, we’ve forwarded your report to our QA team and will let you know once they’ve had a chance to look into this, thanks!