Roon Arc on Hiby R6 III not working with systemwide bit-perfect audio

I have just bought a Hiby R6 III, and I am very happy with it so far.

As it is running Android 12 I was hoping to run Roon Arc on it but have run into a problem.

The R6 III has system wide bit-perfect audio at an OS level (Android 12) so that any app running can play hi-res audio.

I have tried several audio apps, and all can play hi-res audio and DSD at its native rate through them all.

However, Roon Arc (and Roon) is the only app I have tried that is locked to 48k!

Why is this?

All other apps work perfectly, but not Roon or Arc!

Unfortunately ARC currently does not respect DAPs operating systems bypass of Android system resampling and is hard coded to resample all content to what the os says is the DACs native rate. It’s only bit perfect via a usb dac on Android and then it’s still not 100% guaranteed to work. Same on any DAP.

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That’s a real shame.

Are there plans to address this at all? Seems like a major drawback for software that specialises in delivering bit perfect audio


They said it was on their list but who knows when, they don’t commit to timelines.


Agree 100%, I don’t use ARC anymore, I got tired of the issues, my DAP of choice is the Cayin N3 Ultra, but a specialised audio app like ARC ought to have had this sorted very early on.
It really feels like a beta still.

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That was over a year ago. Since then no information.


Is it pretty standard of Roon to ignore portions of the market that are already accepted to have performance on a level that can more than handle their software? I just bought an R4 and have run into the same problem and as stated, no updates for a year. I am pretty sure between this and other issues I’ve had recently (like settings for multiple endpoints disappearing with no explanation and no way to get customer service other than this forum) I’ll be cancelling before my next renewal. I was about to pull the trigger on an Nucleus but this nonsense makes me want to just stick with something that actually works on everything.