Roon ARC playback stops on Android phone during standby or app switch (ref#SH7AUH)

What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble with Roon ARC

What best describes your issue with ARC

· Other

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· None of the above

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· I don't like how the product works

Describe the issue

Arc downloads stop when phone goes into standby.

I'm away for 7 days and didn't want to rely on streaming so I downloaded over 150 albums on Arc. They play but it doesn't matter what settings I adjust on my Nothing 2a Android smartphone, play stops each time the phone goes into standby and I have also noticed it stops softly after opening other apps such as chrome or other non media playing apps. I also have several other apps for music and all play fine even when in standby.

Describe your network setup

NA as I'm playing offline

I’ll update this thread while I’m away with timestamps. Since jumping on the airplanes WiFi this hasn’t happened for a while. Arc is still offline though.

14:13 UK time, playback stopped as I entered Chrome to check my connecting flight status.

14:16 UK time, stopped as I entered Google Photos app.

Playing Hangwire - Farewell from June 23, 2023

And again at 14:19

With iOS there is an option per app to allow background operation. Something similar with this inferior Google OS, maybe?

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Hi @Menzies,
Thanks for writing in about this bug. The symptoms you describe match with an issue that we are currently investigating. I will add this thread to the investigation ticket. While I cannot give a specific timeline please rest assured that an investigation is ongoing.

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Thanks @daniel

I hope you had a good Christmas

Thanks @Bernd_Kurte

That’s one of the settings I had looked at, but worth a shout in case I hadn’t. :+1:

Sorry for the delay here @Menzies, our team still hasn’t had the chance to investigate quite yet, but we’re hoping for some movement later this week - we’ll keep you in the loop on additional information found. :pray:

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Thanks for the update @benjamin :+1:

Hey @Menzies,

We’d be curious to see your battery optimization settings on the device, if possible?

Are you able to test out changing the setting for Roon Arc to Not Optimized or Don’t Optimize?

Thank you!

Hi @benjamin

I experienced this with battery optimisation set to “unrestricted”.

With most apps I use this mode to ensure no adverse affects due to Androids battery optimisation.

I’ll download Arc again and set it up and test again.

This wasn’t the case prior to the latest public release.

My phone hasn’t had a update either, in a way to minimise other possible causes.

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Just an update from my side. Not had much use with Arc on my Android device. Vehicle issues meant I needed to use my iPhone.

Back on Android, and the minimal use I’ve had trying to replicate the issue hasn’t been fruitful, in a good way.

I’ll aim to use Arc more tomorrow due to work requirements allowing.

This is still happening and since 1496 update happens like clockwork. Play music in Arc, navigate to another app and music stops. Open Arc, playback resumes.

Another issue is Android Auto, still having issues, more now as I can never reliably get music heard during playback.

Bluetooth playback as a backup works, but the now playing screen details, artist and track never updates when changing track.

And this