Roon ARC Smart Download Bug - Downloading Playlists assigned to other profiles [Ticket In]

Roon Server Machine

Unraid Docker, Intel 12th Gen i3, 16GB RAM

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Linksys Velop mesh

Connected Audio Devices

Mix of iOS devices

Number of Tracks in Library

approx. 30,000

Description of Issue

I enabled the Smart Download feature in Roon ARC this morning and it pulled in a playlist that is assigned to my wife’s profile. The expected behavior should be to only include playlists that are shared or tied to the current user profile.

Here you can see the playlist in question:

Here is a search in the playlist section where it does not find it (because it is not tied to my profile):

Hi @WWLAladdinSane,

We apologize for the delay - we investigated this report when you first submitted it and have ongoing work pending release in ARC.

I did want to confirm, however - for the affected Playlist, if you right-click in Playlists to enter the Edit browser, who is the assigned owner? If this playlist is shared, it will be visible everywhere - particularly if it precedes the creation of the second Roon profile within your account.

Hey @Connor. It is not a shared playlist:

She created this entirely on her profile and has never had it set to shared.

Hi @WWLAladdinSane,

There’s an internal ticket to fix this bug. Thank you for your patience - we’ll give a ping here when the fix is released to the public build, an keep an eye out in Early Access, as we’ll be testing the fix there once it’s in beta.

Thank you again for the report!

Cool, thanks @Connor! Appreciate the update.

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