Thank you for your patience while we’ve diligently worked to reach every request for support with port forwarding. The diagnostics you’ve provided suggest that UPnP is not properly configured on your router.
Please first try the following steps:
Try to enable UPnP/NATPMP in the web administration interface for the router directly upstream from your Core
Try to manually open the port in your router’s port forwarding configuration
Make sure the IP/Port matches the Port listed in Roon → Settings → ARC
Check for any VPNs or Firewalls that might be interfering
Check if your modem is in Bridge mode
If you continue to experience difficulties, please tag the support team and include the following information:
Do you have any additional network hardware, like additional routers or managed switches?
Who is your internet service provider and what is your geographic region?
Is your Modem configured in Bridge Mode so that it operates only as a modem or do you have the ports forwarded on both?