After using Roon ARC for a couple of minutes on my phone, when I try to use it again without being connected to my wifi, I 100% of the times receive the error message: “Can’t connect to your Roon core”.
So I have to go to my Roon core and “refresh” the Roon Arc by going into “Settings” → “Roon ARC”. When I do this, the Roon ARC works on my phone only to stop working after a couple of minutes and then I have to repeat the cycle.
This completely kills the purpose of having Roon ARC.
After I bought a cheap 2nd hand (supported) NUC, and used that for my Roon core, I’ve not had any problems with Roon or ARC. I did when I used a Mac Mini as the Core. Same network and everything, but the NUC is just install/setup and forget. I know it’s probably not the reply you’d be looking for, but my change of core, did a substantial difference in all regards.
Thank you for your patience as we worked through the queue to reach your response.
Your description suggests one of the following possibilities:
There are security settings, Quality-of-Service prioritization, or processes competing for the same port number listed in Roon → Settings → ARC.
Either your ISP or cellular carrier is imposing traffic filtering that is blocking ARC
When you refresh port forwarding, try changing the port number to something outside the range you’re currently using. Augment it first by a few hundred, then by few thousand, and see if that helps. We’ll proceed from there.