Roon automatic or manual backups always fail

I am trying to back up to my Windows 10 desktop machine on on two different hard drives. Core I7 processor, 32gb ram. Roon is installed on my samgsung 2gb SSD

Roon version 1.8 build 931

i just tried manual backup. looks like it failed at around 20% …I just get the message Backup failed at xxxx, Error backing up database

Are you playing music ? Roon BU will fail if you are.

A manual BU with nothing else running may take a while depending on library size , it also hi jacks the computer so anything else running in the background can stall, I assume it may also stall Roon ? My 5000 + album library often took 20 mins.

Roon should move BU to a single thread process rather than hog the whole process

How long is it since you did a successful back up?

If a long time it could indeed be a corrupted DB.

Roon backup will fail if here is insufficient free disk space on the target drive. It seems to be related to library size. My library is about 19GB but I need 45plus GB on the target drive for a successful backup. It is worth freeing up some space and trying again.

I have a lot of free disk space on the target drives. for example on the main backup drive I have 279gb free and my back up is probably 160mb.

if the database is corrupted, how can I fix that? It has been a month since a successful backup

I did not perform any other actions during the attempted backup…

There is no fix for a corrupted DB.
However if you have had success upto approx one month ago you should be able to restore one of your last backup if your db is now corrupt.
Part of the changes made by Roon of late was to prevent users backing up a useless corrupted DB.

So something may have occurred to your DB in the last month that has caused Roon to see it as corrupt now.

Have you added a lot of new music etc of late?

Have you taken a look at the log files to see if there is a clue just before the backup aborts? I don’t believe there is any way of fixing a corrupt database other than a restore or reinstall.

That seems a big BU,

I don’t know how Roon does it but normally a copy will complete to a temp file before deleting the one it’s going to overwrite so you need at least 2 x the space of the file you want to replace

How about creating a new folder so that there is only one BU in it ie the smallest file you can.

Alternatively BU to a drive with more space.

How big is your library ? That BU size sounds very large ?

actually my roon backup file is about 6GB, my library is 160gb. I have only added a hundred songs recently. Good idea. to create a brand new folder

and triplecrochet, where do I find the log files?

That’s more like it :joy:

I did this when I had to copy by bu folder it was massive and millions of files.

A fresh bu copied easily

i tried a brand new folder. it still failed.

Then I’m starting to think that your present DB now is seen as corrupt by Roon unfortunately.

You should be able to restore one of your last backups but this will not tell you what caused the present possible corruption.

How many changes have you made in the last month like tagging , new albums etc?

I made a lot of changes…identifying unidentified albums…quite a few; also added probably a hundred tracks

@support will likely want to see your logs to try and identify any problem.
You are in the right place and they have been tagged so please hang in there.

Thx!..I will run an attempted backup right before they want to see the logs…once I can find out where the logs are located

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Hey @Jim_Fuerstenberg,

Thanks a lot for connecting with us and the group of moderators and volunteers on the community. It’s great to see so many of them chime in to help :heart: .

We’d love to take a look at the logs. Would you please grab a set of logs, zip up the entire folder and upload it to our drive?

It would help a lot if you could also write down the local date and time when the backups fail.

Millions of thanks :pray:

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I just uploaded March and April logs. I just tried before I submitted. The last failure was 13:56:25 today

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Thanks @Jim_Fuerstenberg,

I’ve passed them on to our technical team. I’ll reach back as soon as I hear back :pray: