Roon Backup Location Query for Nucleus and iMac Users (ref#EHIEVR)

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I have a Nucleus and use Roon on iMac, iPad and iPhone. I also use Arc.

At present Roon is set to back up to Dropbox but I have only a basic Dropbox account and would like to find an alternative backup location.

I read the advice at but don't fully understand it.

Can I set Roon to backup to the Documents folder on my iMac which will then be backed up to Time Machine and iCloud?

Describe your network setup

If not Documents is there another solution?

Yes and yes

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Yes, but I prefer plugging in a USB HDD for nightly automatic backups. I took a 1TB HDD out of an old computer and bought a powered case from Amazon.

This is what I use for my Nucleus. For my Dell and Mac Mini servers, I do an ocassional backup to a folder on the C:\drive.

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Hi @Arthur_QA,
Thanks for reaching out to us to ask about this. Like the other users said you can certainly backup Roon to your iMac Documents folder.

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Thanks for your replies guys.

I’ve just tried setting up a backup to Documents on my iMac but the only option I can see in Roon is Dropbox - see attached screenshots.

My Documents folder is in iCloud maybe that’s the reason?

Any suggestions?


Have you tried entering the path into the text box in this picture it should be in this form
/Users/your username here/Documents

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Thanks. I just tried that and it came up Invalid path specified. I think because above that box it says Dropbox/

Yeah that makes sense. Are you modifying the path you had before or making a new one? If you’re making a new one you should be able to specify somewhere outside of dropbox.

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Whatever I do add or change it always comes up with Dropbox folder. See attached screenshots.

Hey @Arthur_QA,

Thanks for the additional screenshots! In this situation, you’ll actually want to click the ‘+ Add network share’ option instead of the ‘New Folder’ option.

Here is a KB article that breaks down all the steps needed to setup a network share from a folder on your Mac. Note that the article mentions adding it as a watched folder - which is different from setting up a backup location, so you can ignore that aspect of it. The steps for setting up a network share are the same, you’ll just be performing them to create a new backup location instead :slightly_smiling_face:

Let me know if it helps!

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Thanks Ben but it looks a bit complicated for me. I think I’ll just stick with backing up to Dropbox much though I dislike the Dropbox system. iCloud syncing in other apps works well for me.

Hey @Arthur_QA,

No worries! We’d be happy to revisit it at any point if there’s a specific area you’re having trouble with. :+1:

Get yourself an external USB HDD and plug it into a Nucleus USB connection. You’ll be glad you did.

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