Unfortunately, on a Mac anyway, this time stamp only shows the time of the last successful backup and not the date. So looking here gives you no idea when the last backup actually happened.
Now, I can go here:
Roon -> Preferences -> Backups -> Find Backups
But I have to dig around to get the information I want.
So, please add the date to the time information already listed under “Scheduled Backups”.
It reports the time if the date is within the last day, and a number of days otherwise. So, if you see a time, you can know that it was in the last 24 hours.
Not only did the scheduled backup not happen…which has been an ongoing issue, the time stamp is over 24 hours old and still lists only the hour the last backup was made.
Since I’m burning a new DAC Roon is playing non stop for 15 days or so. There is a red warning triangle, that backups could not be completed.
OK, on the backup schedule, the time chosen is 2pm, totally inconvenient, so changed to 2am, and to comply with the red triangle, forced a backup.
Left it alone for a while, and the message on return was the backup completed ok at 18:46 (no date). Problem is the local time was 08:46.
So is the scheduled backup to occur at 2am USA East time?
We have a bug in build 416 in which backup times are set and displayed in the edit type screens in the local time of the remote, but completed backup times are displayed in the local time of the core. Except that Android remotes display the correct time for both.
If you have a ROCK or Nucleus core it will be set to UTC regardless of your local time.
I believe we have a fix for this in our next release, but I can’t comment on when that release might be out. Hopefully I’ve managed to explain this clearly, it can certainly be confusing.
Thanks for the acknowledgement on this topic. All remotes are iOS, that explains the error, and ATM not willing to change devices to Android, will wait for the bug fix.