Roon became unstable after latest update (1470) (ref#MG2TQG)

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· Something else

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· I am experiencing freezes or crashes

Describe the issue

Since latest update (1470)Roon has become unstable

Describe your network setup

Network unchanged in years, wired ethernet to local switch and router, connected to Verizon fiber

Additional information; this morning music was playing from ROCK to direct wired amp via USB DAC and everything froze. required power reset on ROCK to restart web interface would not reboot ROCK nor restart ROON server. Yesterday after update ROON server takes extreme long time to be discovered.

I did create a smart play list which was running during freeze, maybe related or not.

Hi @Steve_Richards ,

Thanks for reaching out with your report. It is interesting that the issue occurred when creating the smart playlist. I’ve tried to enable diagnostics mode for your ROCK but it appears offline at the moment. Can you try to reboot the unit and let us know when it is online again so that we can review the log report? Thanks!

Hi noris,

The machine is back up and running. I had to power cycle to get it back running.


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First off, thanks for reopening this so I could respond.

The issue was not apparently related to the update, though it may have been the kicker to get the problem noticed.

After many hours of trying restores, and reboots and the like I pulled the drive out of the NUC and did an external test of the volumes. I found the data volume (EXT4 FS) was corrupt. I reformatted the volume since the drive hardware checked out OK and the other volumes on the driver were good.

I reloaded Roon (Not restore) and the device has been up and running since, roughly 48 continuous hours.

My comments to support were perhaps not as nicely worded as they should have been and I let my frustration with the issue slip through, sorry for that.

But basically the gist of my email was why does not the ROCK OS recognize the volume is corrupt at the file system level and notify on the web control panel, and also why doesn’t the web interface “reset function”: also format the volume. Something to consider.


PS. It would be nice to be able to export and restore play lists separate from a backup.

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Hi @Steve_Richards,

The current design of Roon does notify you in-app. Looking over your Roon Server diagnostics, it does look like you were notified of the corruption on October 17th. If you think it would be better to have that in the Web UI then you are welcome to submit a post to Feature Suggestions . Our product team keeps a close eye on this section and other users can provide additional feedback and thoughts regarding the suggestion.

You can make this a feature request as well.
Hopefully that answers your questions. As you no longer have an issue for support to solve I will close this thread.