Roon Bridge Raspberry Pi 2 will not install[Solved]

I have the most up to date Jessie lite installed on a raspi 2 with iqaudio dac+
I get the error “This Package is Intended for armv7hf platforms it is not compatible with your system”
please help

Phil - are you absolutely 101% sure it is a Pi 2? This is the kind of error you’d expect with older Pi’s (Armv6)…

just checked, they are B+
When I bought them I was told they were 2, I never checked as the 2 and b+ look the same. I’m Gutted
ive checked using cat /proc/cpuinfo and its arm6

Too bad – I was afraid something like this would be the case…

For now your choice appears to be to forgo Roon Bridge and use PiCorePlayer or the likes – or obtain a real Pi 2 or 3.

I’ve been using picore
I’ll get my self a couple of 3s this week
thanks for the reply