Roon causing LAN network issues (ref#BV7R4E)

Hi @benjamin & @connor

Thanks for all your help so far. Just wondering if you and your team have had a chance to look at the logs which were submitted on December 13.

I have resubmitted updated logs for your review as “@”, which include:
• ~/Library/Roon/Logs
• ~/Library/RoonGoer/Logs
• ~/Library/RoonServer/Logs


Hi @projects.kob,

Thanks for following up!

Yes, the team has reviewed this log set a few times, and see some inconsistencies with how the Devialet is being discovered within your instance of Roon. As a next step, we’d like to see how things perform on a fresh RAATServer database.

You can generate a new RAATServer instance on your device by following these instructions, but please be aware that this will reset your Roon Settings → Audio Tab to factory settings and I would advise making a backup of any custom DSP settings you have:

  • Create a Backup of your current Roon database
  • Exit out of Roon
  • Navigate to your Roon’s Database Location
  • Find the folder that says “RAATServer”
  • Rename the “RAATServer” folder to “RAATServer_old”
  • Restart the Roon App to generate a new RAATServer folder

We’ll be on standby to hear how things perform on the new RAATServer database! :+1:

Thanks @benjamin for this suggestion that I’m excited to try.

Quick update. I’m still travelling so will get to this most recent suggestion later this week.

Will update here in a four days time.


Sorry I’m late to the party, but could you clarify a couple of points for us?

  • DryTech? Do you mean DrayTek?
  • DrayTek switches are managed switches, and, AFAIK, don’t have DHCP servers in them - is there also a separate DrayTek router in your network?

Thanks for letting us know @projects.kob!

@Geoff_Coupe makes an excellent point above as well. It may be best to bypass these managed switches as well, and let us know the results. Thank you! :raised_hands:

We are still working through a few things and will update this thread shortly

Hi @projects.kob,
Have there been any changes since you last posted?

Hi @daniel

We are trying to resolve an issue with the Devialet firmware at the moment. I will need a few week on this as the guy who installed it is out until Feb 12.


Hi @projects.kob ,

No worries, let us know when you’re ready to pick this back up again, we’ll be here, thanks!

I have a Ubiquiti UniFi network with some SONOS speakers also. In one room, we have the original SONOS Playbar plus Sub and two SONOS One surround speakers. A few years ago, it seemed logical to me to connect the Playbar via a wired connection and then let it communicate to the sub and surrounds via SonosNET or Wi-Fi. It was easy to do since I had a small Ethernet switch in the cabinet below were it was mounted.

Not long after doing so (hours?), all heck broke out on our network. All of the activity lights on my 16-port PoE switch were blinking in unison, Internet access slowed to a crawl, Roon stopped working. I spent some time troubleshooting, including adjusting STP settings and weights, but long story short, removing the Ethernet connection from the Playbar and moving all SONOS products to Wi-Fi solved the issue.

It would have been interesting to mirror the switch ports for Roon Server and the SONOS Playbar and use Wireshark to see what was going on in realtime, but I didn’t think of it back then. My hypothesis is that the incident was not caused by Roon Server, but the discovery protocols it uses exacerbated loops created by the SONOS connections. Since then, I’ve been connecting SONOS products via Wi-Fi only and experienced no recurrences of these symptoms.

I’m not saying that it’s impossible to get SONOS products to work with wired Ethernet + Wi-Fi and Roon on the same network. But, if you can improve your Wi-Fi AP density such that Wi-Fi is sufficient for all SONOS products, you’ll spend more time listening and less time troubleshooting. At least that’s been my experience! :smiley:

Regarding your Devialet Pro, I’m not familiar with that product. I would try temporarily connecting it to the same Ethernet switch as Roon Server. Ideally, use a simple unmanaged switch, just for testing. You can buy one for less than $20. If Roon can’t see the Devialet Pro in this very simple configuration, your network is not the problem. But, if it shows up and works, you have more network troubleshooting (and simplification) to do.