Roon connectivity issues: ETIMEDOUT error, UPnPError (403) (ref#GI91QV)

Affected Product


Roon Issue Category

Description of Issue

“ipv6_connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkError”,“status_code”:504,“error”:“error: Error: ETIMEDOUT, response code: undefined, body: undefined connected? undefined”},
“ipv4_connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkError”,“status_code”:504,“error”:“error: Error: ETIMEDOUT, response code: undefined, body: undefined connected? undefined”},
“external_ip”: {“actual_external_ip”:“84.lll.mmm.nnn”,“actual_external_ipv6”:“2003:aaa:fff:ggg:hhh:iii:jjj:kkk”,“router_external_ip”:“null”},
“natpmp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”},
“upnp_autoconfig”: {“server_ip”:“”,“found_upnp”:true,“error”:"

Roon Core Platform


Roon Core Specifications

AMD Ryzen 5 5600G with Radeon Graphics 3.90 GHz - 32,0 GB RAM - no VPN - 2 SSD - Kaspersky Firewall (shut down)

Connected Audio Devices

iFi HD USB Audio

Home Network Details

Roon is on PC. PC is connected by LAN


You want RAATserver, RoonApplicance, Roon to all be allowed in the Windows firewall, and for the network to be Private not Public.


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