Roon core 1.8 not updating to 2.0 on Mac mini

Roon Core Machine

Mac Mini running Monterey 12.6

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Mac mini on both Ethernet and Wireless, no problems with network, Google Chrome works fine.

Connected Audio Devices

PS Audio DirectStream DAC

Number of Tracks in Library

50,000 tracks

Description of Issue

Roon core keeps searching for an update but nothing happens. Haven’t been able to use Roon for over 24 hrs.

Have you downloaded the latest Roon Mac software from Roon’s download site and install over your current 1.8 version? Make sure you backup from within Roon first.

No, always allowed Roon to update itself. Will try that!!



Please let me know how things go. Our link with all of the information you need for 1.8 - 2.0 is below for your reference.

Regardless, I’ll be awaiting a response and am hoping to hear some good news!


I did download v2.0 from the Roon site, relaunched it and that fixed my problem. Not sure why the auto update failed, must be a bug, but that got my system up and running!
Thanks for the tip!

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