Roon Core Can't Be Found

Roon Core Machine

Innuos Zenith Mk3.

Networking Gear & Setup Details

AT&T U-Verse modem, a Netgear router and Netgear Nighthawk X6S extender.

Connected Audio Devices

Aqua Formula xHD DAC to a DarTZeel LHC-208 Integrated Amplifier.

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

Roon suddenly can’t locate my Roon Core.

Streaming directly through the network with my DarTZeel is not a problem.

This has happened many times before as it seem that Roon issues a software update very frequently; but usually it provides a method to perform an update which then allows the system to function again.

Not this time - and “support” on the website may be fine for a technological genius, but not for a layman like me. Very frustrating.

How (Ethernet cable, WiFi?) and to what (AT&T router or Netgear router) are your Roon Core and Roon Remotes connected to the network?

The Netgear router is connected to the AT&T modem via ethernet cable (only 1’ away). he Netgear router connects to the Netgear extender via Wi-Fi. The Netgear extender ic connected to the DarTZeel integrated Amplifier (and streamer) via a short ethernet cable. The connection between the Innuos Zenith Mk3 and my iPad is via Wi-Fi. I can stream music though the Network connection to the DarTZeel, but I can’t play any music files stored on the Innuos.

You may want to contact Innuos and see if there has been an update or a configuration change on their side. Is the Innuos connected directly to the Netgear equipment?

You may want to eliminate the extender, those cause more problems then I care to say.

Thank you both. I think the problem has been solved by downloading Roon 2.0. It’s now working again and can access my files on the Innuos. Christopher, yes, wish I didn’t have to use an extender, but not to would require me running an ethernet cable directly from the Netgear router into the DarTZeel; and this would require running the cable up the wall in the room with the router into the attic and back down into the wall (about 30’ away) where my system is (may do this anyway for the expected improvement over wi-fi.

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Does your Netgear router not have Wifi, not sure why you are using the extender. Glad you got it working.

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