Roon Core is consuming a very high amount of RAM (> 8GB)

Roon Core Machine

Synology DS923+ running DSM version 7.2-64570 Update 3
16 GB of RAM installed

Networking Gear & Setup Details

  • The Roon Core is UTP wired to the network.
  • The MacBooks and phone clients are using WIFI.
  • The Roon Bridge is UTP wired to the network.

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

500 albums

Description of Issue

Very high RAM usage on the Synology (> 8 GB). More than half of RAM is used up by the .NET Roon process.

Repro steps are:

This is not abnormal. Roon takes advantage of as much available RAM that is not otherwise in use as it can. So long as you are not having any functionality issues, you should be a-ok. Please let the community know if this isn’t the case.

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