Roon Core on MacMini - "No audio devices found" in Control

Roon Core Machine

Core - MacMini M2/16Gb/512Gb, macOS Ventura 13.6.1
Control - iMac i9/192Gb/1Tb, macOS Sonoma 14.1.1

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Core - Ethernet, ASUS ZenWiFi XT8
Control - WiFi, ASUS ZenWiFi XT8

Connected Audio Devices

Chord Hugo TT2
McIntosh MC2700

Number of Tracks in Library

2000 tracks

Description of Issue

I have Core on MacMini with connected McIntosh MC2700 pre-amp via USB
When nothing plays in a while (~30min) McIntosh disappears from Roon Control as an Audio Device
I have to remotely log to Core on MacMini, click on “Select Audio Zone” , select McIntosh and after that it appears in my Control again
“Sleep” on MacMini is disabled:

What should I do to make pre-amp connected via USB always available?

Hi @Dmitriy_Kagarlickij,

When this issue occurs, is the McIntosh endpoint still visibile in your Audio Midi Setup utility (Applications → Utilities → Audio Midi Setup).

Do you experience this behavior with any other USB devices, whether audio or storage?

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