Roon Crash in every PC

I come from taiwan,my english is very poor,Please overlook we caused inconvenience to you!

I install roon (last version) in many pc ,as follows:
1.macos10.12 macmini 2012 late i5-3210M 16G ram 256G ssd wifi
2.windows10 1803 64bit i5-2500K 16G ram 256G ssd wifi
and install roon server (last version) in Qnap TS-453Be:J3455 8G ram

I have 11XXXX songs.
At the beginning,I save songs in external hard drive.
Everyday when I first boot pc to open roon,I should remove external hard drive first,
then to open roon,it just work,and connect external hard drive to mac second,roon can get songs.
If I don’t remove external hard drive first,must crash in beginning.

But now I save songs in nas,I can’t remove nas,this will result to get new songs in everytime and very long time.
So I turnoff wifi when first open roon,but must use very long time (30~60mins) to open roon.And turnon wifi to get songs.

Roon Server:
Because NAS can’t turnoff internet,so except first install roon server and importing songs(just Tidal) that NAS can work.
In other time,must crash.

How can I solve this problem?

Hey @Andy_Aries — Thanks for the report!

So we can better assist you, please describe your network configuration/topology, including any networking hardware currently in use, so we can have a clear understanding of how your devices are communicating.

Also, just to confirm — The Mac and Windows devices are only being used as remotes to connect to the Core on the NAS, correct?

Are you able to share a screenshot of Settings > Storage before the crash occurs so I can see how your watched folders are set up?


Mac and Win are used roon core.
Qnap is used roon server.

Actually,the crash happened because when first boot and start roon core that roon core is importing/scanning.
Qnap TS-453Be roon server crash happened at once importing/scanning.
So,if I don’t poweroff pc,the chance of roon core crash is very small.
But Qnap roon server will crash at some time to import/scan tracks,then I always can’t connect to Qnap.

Thank you for the info, @Andy_Aries!

First, I want to confirm that you’re using the QNAP as the only Core and connecting to RoonServer via the Mac and Windows devices as remotes. If you go to Settings > General can you confirm that the QNAP is selected as the Core?

Once you’ve confirmed this, please reproduce the issue once more and make a note of the time that the crash happens. Respond here with that time and I will enable diagnostics in your account so we can take a closer look at what you’re experiencing.


Because many crashs on me,so I use three ways to operate roon.
1.Using MAC as the core and direct operate or connecting to roon core via iPhone as remotes.
2.Using WIN10 as the core and direct operate or connecting to roon core via iPhone as remotes.
3.Using Qnap as the server and connecting to RoonServer via the Mac and Windows devices and iphone as remotes.

I could confirm that the three operating mode are correct,and would crash when importing/scanning.

I will reproduce the issue once (very easy) and make a note of the time that the crash happens.

As photo,NAS1EA9A3 fail to connect in GMT+8 18:44 (Taiwan Standard Time)

Why yangyanhideMini don’t crash? Because I didn’t reboot mac,roon still online.

Thanks, @Andy_Aries!

Now that I have the timestamps, diagnostics have been enabled on your account. The next time your Core is active a diagnostics report will automatically be generated and uploaded directly to our servers

Once that’s been received, I’ll be sure to update this thread and pass the diagnostics over to the team for further analysis.

Based on this screenshot, your Mac Mini is also being used as a Roon Core machine. I think there may be some confusion here about the terminology:

The Core machine is where your database is stored. This can be either Roon or RoonServer. When you connect to RoonServer on the NAS, you are using the NAS as your Core machine. You can connect from your PC and Mac machine as remotes, just like your mobile devices.

I am correct in that you only want your database to be on the NAS and connect to it from all of your other devices, correct?

I definitely recommend checking out our documentation about Roon Cores.

I use mac/win to be roon core really,
because I should test what situation that could use roon and couldn’t crash,
ex:cpu efficacy、Wireless network card、OS…,
so I often switch them(mac/win/nas) to be core,they are only similar as the tracks all in NAS,
before this,the tracks are in external hard drive,but still crash.
So I am very worried poweroff or reboot pc,This represents I should restart roon,at this time,roon has a high chance to crash.

Thank you can analysis for me,I believe it can be solved.

Hey @Andy_Aries,

I wanted to reach out because I’ve been keeping an eye on our servers, waiting for the aforementioned diagnostics report.

For some reason it is not reaching our servers, even after I tried re-enabling diagnostics on your account. I also ran a quick test and I was able to submit a similar report from my setup here, so something else is going on.

So we can move forward, I was hoping for now you could use the directions found here and send us over a set of logs using a shared Dropbox link.


Hi @dylan,
I send Qnap crash logs today to your message.
I couldn’t connect roon,still see roon mark dancing.
At the beginning,I connected succesfully today.
But one hour later,lost connect,and I always can’t connect.

I think this is because importing/scanning…

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.