Roon crashed system taking 128 GB of memory

Roon Core Machine

Mac Studio Ultra 192 GB RAM Sonoma 14.0 Roon 2.0 1311

Number of Tracks in Library

System hung with out of application memory error. Roon was using 128 GB out of 192 GB of memory. Was unable to kill or force quite the application. Had to reboot

@David_Moor, so the Roon staff and Community can assist with your issue, can you please complete the Support template below?

Roon Core Machine

Include your operating system and machine info (Model, CPU, RAM)

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Your network gear (model of routers/switches) and if on WiFi/Ethernet

Connected Audio Devices

Specify what devices you’re using and their connection types, like USB/HDMI/Chromecast, etc.

Number of Tracks in Library

Tell us how large your music library is, eg. “30,000 tracks”

Description of Issue

Tell us about the problem you’re having in as much detail as possible. Screenshots are always appreciated!

Robert - Wasn’t able edit post after posting to modify as could not edit for some reason. Already posted critical machine information. Roon was not playing. Network is ethernet or WiFi depending on device - an Oppo, Marantz receiver, iPhone and iPad. Maybe 5k personal tracks plus Tidal and Roon.

System unusable due to out of memory error forcing reboot.

That’s a crazy amount of (real) memory usage!

How large is the library?

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Is this Roon Core or Roon Remote? Or are you just running Roon as both Core and Remote on this Mac?

Best practice is a dedicated Core which runs nothing else other than Roon Server and other devices act as Remotes.

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