Location: Germany
Roon latest version
Qobuz Sublime
Mac Mini
Qobuz data are not accessible via Roon since this evening.
Direct access to Qobuz and access via Audirvana+ do work, though.
What is the problem?
Location: Germany
Roon latest version
Qobuz Sublime
Mac Mini
Qobuz data are not accessible via Roon since this evening.
Direct access to Qobuz and access via Audirvana+ do work, though.
What is the problem?
Hello @Hartmut_Kamp,
Can you please try rebooting your Core and networking gear as the first troubleshooting step here?
– Noris
I already did this w/o success.
One Observation: between the working and not properly working condition lay one Time Machine backup and one Roon backup ( both w/o restore).
Also it appears that Roon has access to Quobuz but is infinitely slow.
I checked my internet connection and speed is nominal (i.e. 50 Mbit/s).
Hello @Hartmut_Kamp,
Did you restore Roon from a Time Machine backup? We have previously seen issues regarding this method of restoring as mentioned in our Backups Guide and this would surely cause an issue with your database since only Roon created backups are supported. Can you confirm this is the method you used?
As I wrote - I did not restore either.
However, after another stopping and restarting Roon Core everything appears to be back to normal.
Unfortunately, I still don‘t know what happened.
Hi @Hartmut_Kamp,
Happy to hear that after another reboot everything is back to normal. What endpoint are you playing back to or are you using the Mac Mini speakers? If this issue occurs again please note the exact local time and let me know.
– Noris
The signal is going from my Mac Mini via USB to my DAC and stereo.
Hi @Hartmut_Kamp,
Thanks for letting me know that info. If the issue occurs again please let me know the exact local time that it occurs at.
– Noris
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