Roon does not see my Ayon S-5

Jeff - sorry. You ninja posted on me! :smile: Agree with all youā€™ve said except USB being unknown for drivers. Drivers - when needed - are sometimes needed to output over USB to certain DACs. But Iā€™ve never seen the need for a such a driver when the device outputting the music is Linux based. And the SonicOriber SEā€™s are. So no drivers. Ever.

You can check the SonicOrbiter documentation and youā€™ll see no accommodation for loading drivers. Same with the Aries actually, also Linux basedā€¦

No optical connection on the S-5

I have a very nice USB cable that has a separate power supply.

I am not sure if my DAC does caching. Hmmmm, so by ethernet the DACā€™s clock works but not if I use USB? I have never heard that before.
I ordered a SonicOrbiter. They ran out of the upgraded power supply unfortunately.


Did someone say that? The DACā€™s clock will control the whole process all the way back to Roon IF you use a USB connection between the DAC and the RoonReady Endpoint (in your case, the SonicOrbiter SE set in its RoonReady mode).

Not sure where you are getting the idea that you might be able to get Roon music to your DAC from over the network, unless itā€™s an assumption based on both of them being on your network. Not possible now. But it will be possible, if the maker of your DAC modifies your DACā€™s firmware to be ā€œRoonReadyā€. Then you would not need the SonicOrbiter - you could go straight from Roon to your DAC, over the network. But not yet. Now you need a network endpoint, like your SOSE.

Iā€™ve got both, and on a casual listening I donā€™t hear the difference. But Iā€™ve not done a hard core A:B comparison either. AND I have reason to believe the power for my hifi is fairly clean to start with. So your mileage could varyā€¦

I know that I cannot get Roon to play on my DAC over my network. I found that out two nights ago and also on this forum.

Your message of:[quote=scolley]What is certain is that your DACā€™s clock will not control the flow of music to it otherwise, and that may induce jitter. However, there are arguments that state that if your DAC is caching it does not matter. made me think the clock thing if I used a USB connection. I must have interpreted your comment wrong.[/quote]

Thank you for all of your help.

I know Iā€™m jumping in late in the game, but the Ayon Audio S-10 is Roon Ready.

Not that Iā€™m suggesting you get an S-10, but maybe thereā€™s a firmware update for the S-5 to make it

Roon Ready also.

It is definitely not Roon Ready, as it has not passed our certification process.

Is there any update on Ayon Audio products being Roon Ready?

This French review published in January 2017 stated that the S-10 was Roon Ready and has a picture of Roon on the display screen (bottom picture.)
A German review published in March 2017 also states that is Roon Ready, although the reviewer did not test it.
Of course, nothing shows up on either Roonā€™s or Ayon Audioā€™s website about it.
I have a chance to purchase a S-10 or the Cd-35 at a special price so I am very interested in finding this out.

A post was split to a new topic: 1 year old Ayon S10 not Roon Ready Certified - Dealer replaced with new version that is