Roon Does Not Show Albums In Qobuz [ticket in]

I finally found another example of this issue. I do not have any albums by Bob Dylan on my NAS. Qobuz has several albums by Bob Dylan. I do have two albums on my NAS that include songs written by Bob Dylan. When I search in Roon for Bob Dylan I get the same kind of result I get for Peggy Lee. Bob Dylan shows up but there is no performer or composer button and it shows the two compositions in my NAS. Here is a screen shot of this problem.

So then I think Roon is working as designed
 Until you add tracks/albums that represent an artist in both roles (performer and composer), you won’t see the performer/composer tab.

I have plenty of artists in my library where the only tracks/albums I have are of them in the performer role - and thus I don’t see the performer/composer tab for these artists either.

Here’s an example of the converse - a composer who also performed his works. I have an album of Mahler playing his works on the piano (it was originally recorded on piano rolls), so he shows up with a Performer/Composer tab as well

Here is a third example of the problem I am experiencing. I do not have any albums on my NAS of Eric Clapton as a performer. I do have one album which has a track of him as composer. Qobuz has several albums of Eric Clapton as a performer. When I search on Eric Clapton in Roon I get the album as a composer which is on my NAS. The performer composer button is missing and Roon lists no albums of Eric Clapton as a performer. See screen shot below.

Here is a fourth example. I have no albums of Billy Joel on my NAS as a performer. I do have a composer though. When I search for Billy Joel in Roon the result has no performer composer button and none of the Qobuz albums of Billy Joel as a performer. See screen shot below.

With four examples I think I have clearly established what the problem is. I hope Roon support programmers can fix this problem.

What seems to be happening is that because you only have compositions by these artists in your library, Roon’s search results show you primarily the artist in the role of composer.

Using the search for Billy Joel as an example, if you scroll down the results to the Track listings, you’ll see examples of tracks where Billy Joel is listed as performer. Click on the link (Billy Joel’s name is in blue, indicating it is a link), and you’ll get taken to Billy Joel’s full artist entry page, with the performer/composer link showing.

@support - is this a bug, or working as designed? While there is this workaround that I’ve given, perhaps the landing page for an artist in the primary search results should be the combined performer/composer page when valid. Please let us know, so that I can submit a feature request if necessary.

In my search on Billy Joel as a performer there are no track listings except for the track where he is a composer. I have no Billy Joel as a performer tracks to click on. I think this problem is obviously a bug and not working as designed.

Hmm, that’s really odd. I also don’t have any tracks/albums by Billy Joel as performer in my library - just one composition (“Just the Way You Are”) by him. And yet, when I search for Billy Joel, I’m definitely getting tracks (and albums) by him as performer:

Hey @Darrell_Herrmann – @support just brought this to me and we took a look. This is a bug :frowning:

The issue here is that Peggy Lee only exists in your library as a composer – she composed two songs that are performed in your library, but she actually has zero performances of her own in your library.

So, in your library she is a composer, and it makes sense that Roon is presenting her to you as a composer. The bug is that you should also have a tab giving you access to all of her work as a performer from outside your library, as shown in @mjw’s screenshot above.

We are able to reproduce this issue, and we’ll get it fixed (although it’s a little late for the fix to be included in our next release).

For now, you can work around this issue by adding a single Peggy Lee performance to your library – you should be able to search for her albums, or navigate to one of her albums from the composer page (by clicking on the cover). Once you click “Add To Library” I suspect everything should be working as expected, but let us know if that’s not the case.

Thanks for letting us know about this and sorry for the trouble here!

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I guess it’s the same issue I had with Edith Piaf, not a performer in my library, only a composer. This prevented to launch an “Edith Piaf” Roon Radio as well (no button). Also no performer/composer toggle.

EDIT: bingo, if I add a performance of Edith Piaf in my library, I can launch Roon Radio and can see the performer/composer toggle.

Hello all, I’m new to ROON and started the free trial earlier today!
I do have exactly the problem described above.
I do have a Qobuz account and when I own albums, I do see the artist’s albums from my NAS + the Qobuz albums. It’s all fine.
When I click or search for an artist (say, Stevie Wonder) and I own no album from this artist myself, but do own at least one song he composed, this artist only appears as a composer, which means I can’t see his discography as an interpret on Qobuz! It may seem anecdotical but it’s a big deal for me, as part of the reason I want ROON for is for the pleasure of discovering new artists! Here, no way to display the Stevie Wonder interface as long as I don’t own at least one album. Which means I can’t discover his music through ROON. Once I own one album, it’s all OK.

I really hope there’s a correction planned for this, at least something planned
 Deal breaker for me otherwise.

Cheers all,

You may have missed this from Mike (Roon’s product manager) two posts above yours:

We are able to reproduce this issue, and we’ll get it fixed (although it’s a little late for the fix to be included in our next release).

Thanks! I did miss it. Well. At least I didn’t miss the thread and create a new one :stuck_out_tongue:
That’s good news anyway!

Hi Antoine (@Stalaktite),

As Geoff mentioned, we are aware of this behavior and there is an active ticket regarding it.

I can’t comment on a timeline of when a fix will be published, but this ticket is in the dev team’s queue.

I greatly appreciate your patience until we address this behavior, thanks!

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